Why owl being endangered?

Habitat Loss: One of the biggest reasons owls are endangered is habitat loss. Owls rely on large areas of forest and open land to survive. However, human activities such as deforestation, urbanization, and agriculture have destroyed or fragmented much of this habitat, leaving owls with fewer places to live.

Pollution: Pollution can also have a negative impact on owls. Pesticides and other chemicals can contaminate the environment and make it difficult for owls to find food. In addition, air pollution can damage owls' respiratory systems and make them more vulnerable to disease.

Hunting and Trapping: Owls are also hunted and trapped for their feathers, meat, and other body parts. This is especially true in some parts of the world, where owls are considered to be a delicacy or are used in traditional medicine.

Climate Change: Climate change is another threat to owls. As the climate changes, owls' habitats are changing too, making it difficult for them to survive. For example, some species of owls rely on cold weather to survive, and as the climate warms, they are being forced to move to new areas or face extinction.

Road mortality : Being nocturnal and primarily preying on road-killed animals, owls frequently become roadkill, especially when roads or highways pass through their habitats.