* Sandhill crane (_Grus canadensis_): This is the only crane species that regularly occurs in New Jersey. It is a large, long-legged bird with a long neck and a red crown. Sandhill cranes are found in marshes, swamps, and other wetland habitats. They are omnivorous, eating a variety of plants and animals, including insects, fish, frogs, and small mammals.
* Whooping crane (_Grus americana_): This is an endangered crane species that is only found in a few locations in North America. Whooping cranes are the tallest birds in North America, standing up to 5 feet tall. They are white with black wingtips and a red crown. Whooping cranes are found in marshes, swamps, and other wetland habitats. They are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.
There are several species of herons that live in New Jersey wetlands, including:
* Great blue heron (_Ardea herodias_): This is the largest heron species in North America. It is a large, long-legged bird with a long neck and a blue-gray body. Great blue herons are found in marshes, swamps, rivers, and other wetland habitats. They are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.
* Great egret (_Ardea alba_): This is a large, white heron that is found in marshes, swamps, rivers, and other wetland habitats. Great egrets are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.
* Snowy egret (_Egretta thula_): This is a small, white heron that is found in marshes, swamps, rivers, and other wetland habitats. Snowy egrets are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.
* Little blue heron (_Egretta caerulea_): This is a small, blue heron that is found in marshes, swamps, rivers, and other wetland habitats. Little blue herons are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.
* Tricolored heron (_Egretta tricolor_): This is a medium-sized heron that is found in marshes, swamps, rivers, and other wetland habitats. Tricolored herons are white with blue-gray wings and a red or yellow bill. They are carnivorous, eating a variety of fish, frogs, and small mammals.