How do sea lions breathe under water?

Sea lions don't breathe underwater! They are mammals, just like humans, and need to come to the surface to breathe air.

Here's how they manage:

* They have lungs: Like all mammals, sea lions have lungs that allow them to breathe air.

* They hold their breath: They can hold their breath for a surprisingly long time, up to 10 minutes, depending on their activity level and other factors.

* They have adaptations: While they can't breathe underwater, they do have some adaptations that help them stay submerged for longer periods:

* Reduced heart rate: Their heart rate slows down while diving, which helps conserve oxygen.

* Increased blood flow to vital organs: Blood is directed to the brain and heart, while flow to less essential areas is reduced.

* Myoglobin: Their muscles contain a protein called myoglobin that can store oxygen, allowing them to use it efficiently while submerged.

So, while sea lions are incredibly good swimmers and can spend a lot of time underwater, they still need to come up for air regularly to breathe!