How to Raise Game Birds for Income

Raising game birds for is a popular way to supplement your income. Some of the most common types of game birds are quails, Mongolian pheasants and chukar partridges. There are certain rules and regulations that should be followed before you can raise game birds. For example, some states require a breeder's license for anyone who intend to obtain and raise game birds. This can be easily obtained from the Department of Fish and Game in your state.


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      Obtain a game breeder's license in your state to legally raise game birds for income. This license allows you to purchase, possess, transport and sell domestic game birds whether they are dead or alive.

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      Keep your game birds in a spacious cage. The recommended amount of space is 2 square feet for each game bird. The upper area of the cage should be made of mesh, the lower base should be solid and the floors should be fully meshed. The cage should be cleaned regularly of droppings to prevent diseases.

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      Feed game birds fresh greens, wheat seed and turkey starter ration. Feed the birds turkey starter ration for the first 6 weeks. Those that are between 7 to 14 weeks should be fed chicken starter or turkey grower. When they are 15 weeks old and older, feed them with chicken, game bird or turkey grower that contains 15 percent dietary protein. Breeding game birds should be fed a breeder ration with at least 15 to 16 percent protein. Supply the birds with fresh water each day.