How to Raise a Tree Swallow

The tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) is about five inches long, with a metallic blue-green back, a white underside and a slightly forked tail. When raising tree swallows, you have to ensure they get proper housing and a well-balanced meal. It is common for tree swallows to nest in tree cavities or nesting boxes. At some point, you may need to raise an injured young one until it becomes healthy. There are a few things you should know in order to keep the bird healthy and happy.

Things You'll Need

  • Box
  • Cage
  • Newspaper
  • Paper towel
  • Twigs
  • Thermometer
  • Dry kitten chow
  • Eggs
  • Mixture of feed
  • Bowl
  • Water
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      Keep the tree swallows that have no feathers in a small box. Birds with feathers should be kept in a mesh cage. Place the box or cage in an area of the room that is well-lit and ventilated. Spread newspaper or unscented paper towels on the floor of the cage, with a few twigs.

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      Keep tree swallows warm if they are not fully feathered. Do this by using a heat lamp. The recommended temperature to keep your tree swallow comfortable is 95 degrees Fahrenheit. As the bird gets older, decrease the temperature by five degrees each week. Use an aquarium thermometer to check the bird's temperature frequently in order to prevent it from becoming overheated.

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      Feed baby tree swallows (hatchlings) a diet consisting of dry kitten chow and diced hard-boiled eggs. Older birds should be fed the same diet in addition to meal worms, nuts, insects, wheat bread, chopped apples, berries and sunflower seeds. Baby birds should be fed every 20 minutes throughout the day, and the older birds should be fed every 30 minutes. A small shallow bowl with fresh water should be placed in the cage.