How to Get Close to Your Parakeet

Build a relationship with your pet parakeet by practicing trust exercises before you begin training. Gaining your bird's trust mean that it will be less likely to bite out of fear or aggression. The parakeet is a bird that is social in nature and will enjoy your attention and company once you have bonded with it. As a responsible pet owner, it is important that you avoid purchasing a parakeet that has been taken from the wild. Not only is this illegal, but wild parakeets will not enjoy being handled and are more likely to bite, according to

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
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    • 1

      Encourage your parakeet to trust you by spending time sitting next to its cage. Do this for 10 minutes, three times per day. Talk to the bird quietly using a soft, reassuring tone of voice. Raise your hand up to the cage so that your parakeet can see it. This will help the bird to get used to your hands, which it may be frightened of to begin with.

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      Open the cage door for each session once your parakeet appears less afraid of you placing your hands near the bars. Place your hand inside the cage holding a treat that you know your parakeet enjoys, such as green vegetables or a millet berry. Avoid chasing the bird with your hand, and instead place it away from it. This will prevent your pet from feeling threatened, and will also give the parakeet the opportunity to approach you when it is ready. Be patient, as it may take several days before it takes the treat from your hand.

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      Begin "step up" training once the parakeet is used to taking treats from your hand. Hold out one finger at a slightly higher level than the bird's perch. With your other hand hold out a treat. Do this to encourage your pet to step onto your hand to reach the treat. Allow the parakeet to take the treat when it steps onto your hand and introduce the command "step up." At first the bird may immediately jump off your finger, so repeat the exercise three times a day to gain its trust.

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      Secure the room by closing any windows and moving any other pets out of the room. Ensure that there are no dangers, such as candles or electronic fans. Bring your parakeet out of its cage and continue to give it small treats. Now that your parakeet trusts you, bring it out of its cage on a daily basis to spend time with it and to provide it with the social interaction that it requires.