How to Get DNA From a Bird

Testing your bird's DNA may seem unnecessary, but it can provide a wealth of information about your bird. In many cases DNA testing is the only way to determine the sex of your bird, which is always important to know for health and behavior reasons. If you are a bird breeder, DNA testing is an excellent way to determine the health of your breeding stock. The actual testing procedure may be very technical, but collecting the DNA sample is not. If you have any experience handling birds, you should be able to collect the material necessary for a test.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird
  • Latex gloves
  • Nail clippers
  • Styptic pencil or sterile tissues
  • Ziploc bag
  • Access to a DNA testing facility
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      Wash and dry your hands. Put on latex gloves. Remove the target bird from its cage or enclosure. Speak to it in a low, even-toned voice to help keep it calm.

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      Choose the type of sample you plan to use. Acquire test samples from newly hatched birds by collecting pieces of the eggshell. For juvenile or adult birds, gently pull six or seven medium-sized feathers from the bird. For larger birds that are used to having their nails cut, you can acquire a blood sample by cutting one of the nails at the "quick" and squeezing it. This will cause blood to flow from the nail. Collect a few drops of blood in a small vial or on an index card. Stop the bleeding with a styptic pencil or sterile tissues.

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      Place the sample(s) in a resealable plastic bag. Place the plastic bag in a padded mail envelope and send it to a DNA-testing facility. Depending on the facility you choose, results can be available within a week.