How to Get My Amazon Parrot More Tame

When Amazon parrots are well-socialized, they are charming, gentle companions, but if they have been mistreated or neglected, they need to be tamed so you can handle them. Taming an Amazon parrot that is aggressive or afraid takes time and patience, but over an extended period of constant care and gentleness, it can be done.

Things You'll Need

  • Bamboo skewers
  • Parrot treats
  • Thick dowel
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    • 1

      Set a schedule for feeding, interaction and cage cleaning. If your Amazon parrot knows what is coming, it will relax. This allows the parrot to settle into a routine and become accustomed to your coming and going.

    • 2

      Visit a veterinarian and have the parrot's wings clipped. A bird with clipped wings cannot hurt itself by flying away in a panic, and it changes the way aggressive parrots perceive themselves, making them more submissive, according to veterinarian Ron Hines' website.

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      Stick a parrot treat on a bamboo skewer and offer it to the parrot. This prevents the parrot from biting you or from being too scared to take the food due to your proximity. Over time, shorten the skewer until the parrot is willing to eat from your hand.

    • 4

      Dim the lights before interacting with your Amazon parrot. In the wild, parrots roost and become calm when the light begins to fade at twilight.

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      Place the parrot's cage in an active area of the house. Amazon parrots are intelligent and crave interaction, according to Pet Supplies "Plus." This also helps them get accustomed to the people in the household.

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      Hold a thick dowel in your hand in front of the bird, encouraging it to step up. Praise the bird when it steps up to the dowel, and gradually shorten the dowel until it is stepping up into your hand.