How to Keep a Turtle Dove

Doves belong to the same order and family as pigeons, and both types of birds are commonly made pets. Turtle doves are native to southern parts of Europe, western Asia and North Africa, and in order to keep a turtle dove you need to be aware of the proper methods of care to ensure their health and happiness over their lifetime. Doves can live from 10 to 12 years, and one turtle dove was recorded as living for 34 years, so it's very important to educate yourself in their care because you will be looking after them for quite some time.

Things You'll Need

  • Bird food
  • Bird bath
  • Water source
  • Supplements
  • Rectangular cage
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Secure appropriate housing for the turtle dove. Choose a rectangular cage with bars that are close enough together so that the dove cannot fit its head between them. If the cage has a wire bottom, cover part of it with paper or grassy sod because turtle doves tend to spend a good deal of time on the ground. Also, make the cage partially enclosed because this gives the doves a sense of security.

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      Arrange appropriate food and water for the turtle dove. A commercial mix of seeds supplemented with vegetables such as lettuce or spinach, or fruits like berries, apples and pears will suffice.

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      Provide supplements such as grit and gravel to help digestion. Add vitamins to the water, and crushed oyster shell for calcium.

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      Allow the dove to bathe either in a shallow basin of water, a dust bath, or by misting it with a soft spray of lukewarm water.

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      Clean the water, food and bathing bowls daily. Wash all perches and platforms once a week.

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      Allow the dove to leave its cage every day for the opportunity to fly and exercise.