What are the Friendliest Parrots?

Parrots, with their bright plumage and lively voices, are popular pets. They can be trained to mimic human speech, perch on their owners' shoulders and keep children company. The personality of your parrot will depend in large part on the conditions in which you raise it. Some breeds of parrot, however, are naturally friendlier than others.
  1. Budgerigar

    • This tiny parrot breed, native to Australia, is commonly known as the budgie. Its scientific name is Melopsittacus undulatus, because of the undulating, or wavelike, patterns on its wings. The budgie is a very sociable bird. In the wild, budgies gather in large flocks. In captivity, a budgie should always have another bird for company. Budgies are highly communicative and vocal. Pet owners will find that the budgie's song is very loud, as the birds twitter back and forth to one another.


    • Though they belong to a different ornithological family, cockatoos are part of the parrot order known as Psittaciformes. They can be identified by a distinctive crest on their heads that stands up in times of excitement or agitation. Cockatoos tend to form close attachments to their owners, and it is not advisable to purchase a cockatoo unless you are prepared to spend plenty of time with it. If you want to teach your cockatoo tricks, choose a medium sulphur cockatoo or a Moluccan cockatoo, as these birds are adept learners.

    Eclectus Parrot

    • The Eclectus is a rainforest parrot species. In response to the diversity of the rainforest canopy, the Eclectus has developed a highly social intellect. In the wild, communities of Eclectus parrots roost together. Extended relatives help rear the young ones. A human Eclectus owner must show a similar degree of affection and care while raising the bird. The Eclectus loves to get involved in daily human activities. It is fortunate that the Eclectus is so friendly, because the lifespan of this bird is a remarkable 50 years.


    • The cockatiel, a sub-species of cockatoo, hails from Australia. It is one of the most popular parrot breeds to own as pets, due to its facility for picking up human speech and its affectionate nature toward its owners. Cockatiels are ideal birds for young children, as they are relaxed, friendly and more difficult to startle than other breeds. When selecting a cockatiel, choose a male that has been reared by hand. Female cockatiels will lay eggs, which may become stuck inside them in a condition known as egg binding.