How to Raise a Budgie

Budgies are more commonly known as parakeets, and are one of the most commonly kept household pet birds. They are relatively easy to care for, though small and needing lots of attention when babies. Once they are older and are separated from their parents, budgies make excellent pets with lots of personality and color to add to the home.

Things You'll Need

  • Shoe box
  • Small container
  • Old rags
  • Baby syringe
  • Bird cage
  • Baby bird food mix
  • Bird seed
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      Place the baby budgie in a shoebox or other small container lined with rags. Ideally, the budgie is with his mother for up to six weeks after birth. If the budgie is not with his mother, the cloth keeps the budgie warm and clean by absorbing liquids.

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      A common medicine syringe, like the kind used to give medicine to babies, is used to feed a baby budgie.

      Feed the budgie using a syringe and baby bird food mix. Bird baby food mix is found at any pet store. Mix according the the budgie's age. The younger the budgie, the more water is used to mix the food. Feed the budgie up to five times a day. When they are consuming formula, the water they need is in the formula, so extra water is not needed for the budgie.

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      Budgies are ready to be moved to a bird cage when they are eating seed.

      Place the budgie in a cage once she is attempting to eat on her own. At roughly 6 weeks old, place birdseed in the budgie's nest box to see if it she attempts to eat. When she does, she's ready to move to the cage and be treated like an adult budgie. When placing the bird in the cage, make sure to do it carefully. Hold her until she is right next to a perch where she can grab on with her feet.

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      Holding the budgie daily is an important part of making it feel comfortable.

      Spend plenty of time handling the budgie. Budgies, like any other pet, require attention and love in order to thrive. They are one of the more friendly birds people keep as pets, and are happy and playful when raised with plenty of human interaction. Take the budgie out of his cage at least once a day so he becomes accustomed to being touched.