How to Tame a Bird

Proper taming of a bird can mean the difference between a well-socialized bird that the entire family can enjoy or a bird that develops phobias and inappropriate behaviors such as screaming or biting. A bird that vocalizes out of fear or boredom often loses its home when its owner becomes frustrated. Inappropriate behaviors arising in an otherwise healthy bird often occur when the bird lacks an outlet for its curiosity. Proper taming of a bird ensures that the owner can meet the bird's requirement for play, training and handling.

Things You'll Need

  • Cage
  • Millet treat
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      Place the bird in a cage appropriate for the bird. According to Pet, the minimum size of a cage should be 1 1/2 the bird's wingspan in height, width and depth of the cage. Place the cage at eye level against a wall because the bird will feel secure if it can retreat against a wall. Do not place the cage on the floor as the bird will be on the lookout for predators and will be hard to tame.

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      Acquaint the bird with your hands and your voice by opening the cage and slowly moving your hands by the cage door. Soft talking or singing will relax the bird. Most birds require at least one to four days to become acquainted to their new cage and new surroundings. If the bird seems stressed, simply walk by his cage a few times a day and speak gently but do not open the cage.

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      Teach the bird to perch on your hand by placing a millet treat in your hand and slowly presenting it to the bird. If the bird is frightened of your hand, simply drop the treat into the cage. Keep talking to the bird in a soothing voice. The bird will begin to associate your voice with the treat. Once the bird becomes used to your hand, rest the treat on your finger and say "step up." If the bird is still reluctant to step onto your hand, hold out a stick. Praise the bird and offer it a treat when it steps onto the stick.

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      Keep training sessions to 15 minutes or less and end on a positive note with praise.