How to Interact With Your Bird

Birds are naturally social animals, and whether you have a large parrot or a small budgie, interaction keeps your bird sociable and sweet. Well-socialized birds receive a large amount of daily interaction. Even if not all interaction is direct, one-on-one training, the bird benefits from your attention. Interacting with your bird allows you to get used to one another and it fosters a stronger relationship between bird and owner.

Things You'll Need

  • Treats
  • Thick gloves (optional)
  • Soft toys
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    • 1

      Offer your bird treats from your hand. This gets the bird interested in you and causes it to associate you with pleasant experiences.

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      Stand next to the cage and vocalize to the bird, whether you sing, chirp or simply talk. This type of direct attention may be all that more skittish birds can take for a while, and it allows the bird to get comfortable with you.

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      Handle your bird at least once a day by taking it out of its cage and stroking it. Ideally, you will have several people do this, as it prevents the bird from becoming extremely bonded to one person. At first, you may need to handle the bird with gloves, as it might be quite shy.

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      Hold your bird while you are doing other things, like listening to music or watching television. This type of shared attention is a low-stress type of interaction that allows you and your bird to get comfortable with each other.

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      Imitate your bird. When it stretches or opens its wings, try making a gesture yourself. Some birds learn quickly to take turns copying motions back and forth with their owners.

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      Throw a small soft object gently to the side of your bird. Some birds will pick up the objects and throw them back.