How to Get Rid of Birds in Dairies

Birds may be delightful creatures when they sing, but they also carry the potential for disease. Having birds in your dairy barn can contaminate your products and even cause stress in your cows. If you want to get rid of birds in your dairy, the best method is to employ a combination of bird repellents and techniques. Different kinds of birds will respond to different methods so the only way to keep all of them out is to use a variety of techniques.

Things You'll Need

  • Storage bins
  • Screens
  • Bird netting
  • Bird spikes or sticky perch repellent
  • Sound repellent device
  • Bird repellent spray
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      Store feed and grain in tightly-sealed bins and clean up any spilled grain as soon as possible. By removing readily available sources of food you can make your dairy barn an undesirable place for birds to congregate.

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      Seal up any entrances birds might use to gain access to your dairy barn. Place screens over vents and put up netting to seal off the rafters. If birds do not have access to a place to roost, they will be unlikely to return to your barn.

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      Install spikes on window sills, ledges, and along the perimeter of the roof to keep birds from landing. If you do not want to use spikes, sticky perch repellents are available and they perform the same function.

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      Install a sound repellent device in your barn. Many of these devices are powered by batteries and emit sounds like bird distress calls or predator calls that are effective in frightening birds away.

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      Spray barn walls and beams with a repellent spray. Bird repellent sprays are designed to be non-toxic and harmless to humans and other creatures. These sprays merely emit an odor that birds find offensive, causing them to avoid your barn. Though it can last for weeks at a time, bird repellent spray is one of the more expensive options in bird repellents.

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      Install a visual deterrent outside your barn or on the roof to scare birds away. Traditional visual deterrents like scarecrows placed out front, fake owls on the roof, and the silhouettes of predators hung in windows can be effective to a certain extent but in time birds will realize they are not alive because these deterrents do not move. Modern visual deterrents are available in the form of hologram balls that can be hung so they move with the wind - these hologram balls mimic the eyes of predators that appear to move and follow you.