How to Find Quail Nests

For those who love bird watching, locating a bird's nest can be a fascinating experience. You may even want to go looking for a bird's nest while out birdwatching. If you like quail and want to locate a quail nest, you must be on the lookout for certain characteristics in the area to ensure they are suitable for a quail habitat. If the conditions are right, you may have success searching for quail nests.


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      Start your search in an area that could potentially make a good quail habitat. Quail tend to prefer places with a lot of vegetation, since these offer the quail plenty of hiding spots.

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      Look out for single birds or groups of quail. These birds like to live together in social groups, so if you see one quail, there are likely to be more nearby. You may be able to follow a quail back to a nesting area.

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      Find the spots in the quail habitat with the largest concentration of tall weeds, grasses, and plants for the best chance of locating nests. Quail like to make their nests under tall vegetation that will offer cover and protection. These birds will often nest in wild areas, but don't be surprised if a family of quail show up in your flower bed or under the bushes in your yard.

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      Search for quail nests once you find the perfect quail habitat. Quail nests are often built in a bowl-shape in the ground, then covered with dry grasses and other vegetation to form a dome cover. You will find quail eggs in the nests beginning in the spring.