How to Stop Hawk Attacks on Pigeons

Anyone who loves pigeons, whether keeping them as pets for show or to fly, or simply enjoys watching them at a backyard bird feeder has probably been plagued by loss of birds to predatory hawks. Hawks are adept hunters and can swoop down, grab a pigeon and be gone in a split second. Controlling loss of birds to hawks is complicated. It's illegal to kill or even harass hawks in most jurisdictions. And most bird lovers wouldn't want to harm a hawk anymore than they like having hawks snack on pigeons. However, there are some techniques you can employ to ward off hawks from your feathered pigeon friends.

Things You'll Need

  • Hawk balls
  • CDs
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      Take down bird feeders for backyard pigeons for a few days. Hawks will perch nearby feeders waiting for easy prey. If you remove the feeders, hawks will often move on to other hunting grounds.

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      Place backyard pigeon feeders where there is natural protection. Putting a feeder near an evergreen shrub will give birds a refuge to escape to when a hawk is near.

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      Fly your pet pigeons at different times during the day. If you keep pigeons you allow to fly, change up the times you let them loose. Hawks will figure out a predictable routine and be waiting when you release your birds.

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      Keep your flying birds in shape. If you don't allow your birds to fly regularly, they will be out of shape and more likely to fall prey to hawks.

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      Don't overfeed your birds. At fat bird will be sluggish and slow and less likely to escape a hawk.

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      Train flying birds to return directly to the loft. Birds grazing in the lawn or roosting on the roof are much more likely to be caught by a hawk than they are when in free flight.

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      Feed the crows. Attracting crows to your property can help keep hawks at bay. Crows hate hawks and will harass and chase them away.

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      Hang hawk balls from trees near your pigeon loft. Hawk balls are large, mirrored balls that reflect light, which scares hawks away.

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      Place unwanted CDs on your loft, flying pen and other areas around the pigeons. CDs also reflect light, which hawks are afraid of. Tying a CD to a weather vane will project light in many different directions as it turns in the wind.