How to Make Your Parakeet Trust You

Parakeets are among the most popular pet birds because of their friendly disposition and highly social nature. When you first bring your parakeet home, it may be a bit skittish. With a little patience, however, you can quickly gain your parakeet's trust.

Things You'll Need

  • Birdseed
  • Bird treats
  • Blanket or towel
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      Create a calm environment. Parakeets are sensitive to environmental changes, which means the first few days in a new home can be stressful. Allow your parakeet time to adjust to its new setting before you begin trying to train it. Avoid forcing interactions in the first few days.

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      Place a drape over the cage at night. Parakeets need a dark, calm environment at night in order to feel safe during the day. Place a lightweight towel or sheet over your bird's cage at night before you go to bed. Don't forget to remove the drape in the morning.

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      Give your bird a treat every time you approach its cage. Something as simple as birdseed can work wonders, but parakeets also love yogurt chips and raisins. When you hand-feed your bird, your bird will begin to associate you with getting good things.

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      Place your hand in the cage and give your bird a treat. Avoid making any sudden movements. Over the course of several weeks, increase the amount of time your hand spends in the cage.

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      Encourage your parakeet to get onto your hand. Place a treat in the center of your hand so that your parakeet has to stand on your hand to get it. Do this every day for a week without lifting up your parakeet. When your parakeet is reliably getting onto your hand without signs of fear, you can begin to lift it out of the cage.

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      Gently scratch your parakeet's head and give it a treat. This teaches your parakeet to allow you to touch it.