How to Prevent Bird Roosting

Bird roosting causes many problems for homeowners, apartment operators and businesses. Bird feces can be a source of many health issues besides creating a messy environment. Noise from the birds can also be a problem for residents and business persons. There are many options you can use to prevent bird roosting, without harming the animals directly. Bird roosting is a problem that can be easily avoided with the right materials, and deterrents take just minutes to install.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken wire
  • Bird netting
  • Plastic sheeting
  • Plastic spikes
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      Locate potential roosting areas on your house. Place chicken wire over roof vents. This will allow air flow to continue while preventing birds from building any nests. You may also place chicken wire over the chimney of your home.

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      Purchase bird netting. This is a thin sheetlike material that can be placed over windowsills, attic vents and small patios. This netting has small holes to allow for ventilation.

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      Install plastic spikes around apartment buildings. These spikes come in long strips and are roughly 6-nches high. They make it hard for birds to land and prevent the birds from building nests in the eaves and overhangs often found around apartment complexes.

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      Hang plastic sheeting from the rooftop area of a home or business. Place the material wall to wall. This material is another preventive measure that keeps the birds from building nests, as the material is slippery and prevents the birds from securing the nest to the building.