How to Tell the Difference Between Male & Female Peacocks

Technically, the term "peacock" only refers to the male of the species. The general term is peafowl and the females are peahens. However, it is common practice to refer to both genders as peacocks. Peafowl are a large species of pheasant, with some of the most striking gender differences in the animal world. Adult males have enormous, brilliantly colored tail feathers while females have much more subdued, mostly brown plumage.


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      Examine the shape of the bird. Peacocks have a long train of feathers that may be twice the length of the body or more. Peahens have much stubbier tails.

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      Look at the bird's plumage. The tail feathers of the male are visibly brightly colored, even when not extended in a show. In the most common variety, the Indian peafowl, the males usually have blue necks, while those of females are green.

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      Observe the bird's behavior. Males do the courting, often providing flamboyant displays of their tail feathers to the females, or to humans or even to nothing at all. Females get on with the business of pecking around for food.

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      Listen to the bird. As with roosters and hens, peacocks are more vocal than peahens. The loud distinctive calls, which often irritate people living nearby, usually come from the males.