How to Mate Canaries

Canaries are solitary and polygamous birds that only submit to living together when the female is ready to breed. Breeding season occurs naturally with the lengthening of the day, usually starting between mid February to mid March. One tell tale sign that the female is ready to breed is when it attempts to build a nest. The bird will begin to shred paper, plants or feathers in preparation for building a nest. To help your canary hen you can buy a sturdy pre-made nest with a liner from the pet store. Instead of a liner you can provide your hen with a crib filled with nesting materials so it can make its own liner.

Things You'll Need

  • Breeding cage divided with both wire and a solid barrier.
  • Canary nest
  • Crib with liner materials- optional
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      Set each bird in separate halves of a breeding cage with the solid divider and wire divider in place.

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      Add a nest to the hen's side of the cage. If the nest doesn't have a liner, include a crib with nesting materials too.

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      Remove the solid divider when you see the hen start to build a nest.

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      Observe the interactions between the pair. Canaries that are kissing and touching through the wire divider are bonding. Occasionally the male will feed his mate through the bars. Once the birds have become affectionate you can remove the wire divider.

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      Supervise your canaries. When the female is ready she will crouch down and breeding will commence. In one to two days the hen will begin to lay her eggs.

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      Separate the birds if they begin to fight. Bickering is acceptable; fierce fighting is not. Often they will not stop fighting on their own. Otherwise, leave the parents together to raise the chicks.