How to Hatch Wild-Duck Eggs

If you come across the nest of a wild duck without the mother settled on the eggs, or are planning to hatch wild-duck eggs as a hobby or for commercial purposes, you have no need to worry. Incubating and hatching wild-duck eggs is a rewarding experience, and involves a simple procedure that takes between 28 and 30 days.

Things You'll Need

  • Egg incubator
  • Flashlight
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  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Select the incubator size, based on the number of eggs that you would like to hatch. Switch on the incubator a day or two before placing the eggs, in order to stabilize the temperature and humidity. Set the incubator temperature at 99°F and relative humidity on the wet bulb thermometer at 85 percent for the first 25 days.

    • 2

      Obtain wild duck eggs that are between one and three days old. Place them in the egg incubator by positioning the small end of the eggs down first.

    • 3

      Turn the eggs by hand an odd number of times each day if your incubator is not equipped with an automatic turner. The odd number allows the embryos to "rest" on a different side each night.

    • 4

      After seven days, candle the eggs in a darkened room by shining a flashlight on the top of each egg to observe for growth.

    • 5

      Look for blood veins that extend from the egg's interior to the air sac to determine whether an egg is fertile. Discard eggs that are devoid of blood veins, dark and blotchy in appearance and those that have a dark-orange-colored yolk, as these eggs are infertile and infected.

    • 6

      On day 25, lower the temperature of the incubator to 97°F and increase the relative humidity on the wet bulb thermometer to 90 percent.

    • 7

      Allow the ducklings to hatch on their own and remove them from the incubator when 90 to 95 percent of them are dry.