How to Breed Prolific Finches Easily

The social zebra finch is an attractive and popular aviary bird. These hardy little birds are prolific breeders, with a few pairs being more than capable of producing up to a hundred offspring within a year. The zebra finch will breed after substantial rains in its home country of Australia and breeds year-round in captivity. Zebra finches make good parents, and provided that the adult pair has been correctly cared for and fed, they will raise their chicks without problem. Breeding these small and cheerful finches will certainly add to your enjoyment of keeping birds in an aviary.

Things You'll Need

  • One aviary
  • One pair of zebra finches
  • A hand full of pieces of string, 2-inches long
  • One nest basket, approximately the size of an orange that has been sliced in half
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    • 1

      Place two zebra finches of opposite sex in the same cage. Observe the pair for signs of nesting or gathering behavior.

    • 2

      Position a nest basket, available at pet dealers and approximately the size of a half-orange, into the aviary. Place this nest as high as possible in one of the back corners. Position it close to a roosting perch and a food cup or bowl.

    • 3

      Wait for the finch pair to accept the nest and supply them with a handfull of 2-inch long pieces of string.

    • 4

      Monitor the pair's behavior and do not disturb the birds once they have begun to nest.

    • 5

      Make a note of the egg laying dates. Eggs will normally be laid over a period of two to three days.

    • 6

      Expect the eggs to hatch approximately fourteen days after being laid. Disturb the pair as little as possible, as this is a stressful period for both parents.

    • 7

      Supply sufficient high-quality food during the nesting period. Ensure that the diet contains millet, whole wheat bread, the yolk of hard-boiled eggs and both fruit and vegetables.

    • 8

      Expect the chicks to emerge from the nest two to three weeks after hatching. Ensure that there is sufficient food, water and roosting perches for the additional birds in the aviary.

    • 9

      Remove the nest within two weeks of the chicks leaving it to discourage the adults from trying for a second clutch. Breeding again so soon will put unnecessary stress on the adult pair and exhaust the hen.