Information on Making Chicken Coops

If you're planning on owning chickens, you'll need a place for your chickens to live in. That area is called a coop and may be inside, outside or a combination of indoor-outdoor arrangement. Coops may have runs attached or installed within the structure of the coop, itself. Coops can come in various sizes and shapes depending on the birds and number of birds.
  1. Size

    • Coops need to have a minimum of 2 square feet of floor space on the inside and 3 square feet of run space per bird. Coops can be single-story or have multiple levels.


    • Coops need perches for the chickens as well as a way for the chickens to get out of the weather. There should be food and water in appropriate feeders and waterers. The water will need to be changed frequently. The coop will need one nesting box per four birds. The nesting box needs to be at least 12 inches by 12 inches. Your chickens will appreciate a run that allows them a safe access to the outside.


    • There are two types of coops: the standard coop and the chicken tractor. The standard coop is stationary and sits in one place. The chicken tractor is a fenced in area with or without an indoor coop that is movable and allows you to move your chickens over a new patch of ground and gives them a safe area to free-range.


    • You can purchase chicken coops already built, chicken coops you put together yourself or chicken coop plans--or even design your own chicken coop. Many chicken owners on built and designed their own chicken coops and tractors and have posted their designs on the site for free (see Resources).


    • As long as the chicken coop keeps your chickens safe and meets all the requirements, it doesn't matter what it looks like to the chicken. However, your neighbors may appreciate a nice-looking coop.