Place your bird where activity occurs in the house. Leave the cage door open while you are home and encourage your bird to come out and play.
Cuddle with your conure. Hold your bird and scratch his head. Learn his favorite places to be scratched and he will love you for it.
Keep your bird on your shoulder when you can. These birds love sitting on shoulders while people watch television, browse the Internet or do the dishes. This kind of activity allows the bird to bond with you.
Take time to talk to your conure. Talking is a form of attention and these birds thrive on this kind of interaction.
Reward your conure̵7;s good behavior with praise or a treat. This positive reinforcement will encourage your bird to behave well.
Take time to learn your conure̵7;s body language. If he hangs from your shirt collar by his beak, he might want to be put back in his cage. Growling means he is frightened. Knowing his language will help you give him what he needs and avoid bad behavior.
Give your conure plenty of room to exercise. Let him out of the cage every day to stretch his legs and wings.
Don̵7;t hit or swat at your conure. If he loses trust in you, he might never get it back.
How to Interact With a Sun Conure
Sun conures are loyal pets that can live up to 20 years. These social birds love attention and need daily interaction. They are loving parrots and ideal for building a long-lasting, trusting relationship, according to Avian Web. Because of their longevity, keeping one of these birds is a job you should take seriously. Rest assured you can interact with your bird in many ways that will make him happy and healthy for years to come.