How to Make Crow Calls

Crow hunting is a popular outdoor hunting activity that is very similar to hunting other types of birds. One of the most important aspects of crow hunting is calling the crows so that they come out into the open. Although electronic recordings of crow calls can be purchased, most experienced crow hunters prefer to manually call the crows themselves. Calling crows is performed by manipulating a crow call device to emulate the bird's natural sounds.

Things You'll Need

  • Crow caller
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    • 1

      Purchase a crow caller from a store that sells hunting or outdoor supplies. There are many styles and varieties to choose from, but they all perform the same basic function. When purchasing a crow caller, make sure that the size fits comfortably in your hand.

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      Hold the crow caller between the tips of the thumb and the index finger of your dominant hand.

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      Close the fingers of your hand over the end of the caller and then cup the other hand over the one holding the crow caller. Pretend that you are blowing into your hands to warm them up to achieve the correct hand position.

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      Place the crow caller up to your mouth and blow air through it to get a feel for the types of sounds it makes.

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      Listen to and practice the friendly calls of the crow. which include the "attention call" and the "look here call." The friendly calls are the first calls used when hunting because they cause crows to come nearer to the hunter's hiding location. See the Resources section below for an audio selection of friendly crow calls.

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      Listen to and practice the fighting calls of the crow, which include the "fight call," "rally call" and "distress call." These calls are all intended to bring the crows even nearer after establish trust. In addition, these calls keep birds from flying away in fright at the sound of gunfire. A link in Resources provides an audio selection of fighting calls.

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      Practice the calls on crows in the wild. It takes a while to master the correct combination of calls that work. The best way to do this is to go to an outdoor location where crows congregate and try making some of the calls you learned through the audio recordings.