Things You'll Need
- Nest box
- Aviary
- Stainless steel food and water bowls
- Coarse grass
- Soft grass
- Coconut fibers
- Animal fur
- Feathers
- Hook-bill seeds
- Hook-bill pellets
- Vegetable variety
- Fruit variety
- Cottage cheese
- Cheese chunks
- Eggs
Breed Blue-fronted Amazons in a large aviary. The males can often turn vicious and territorial towards the female during breeding season, so a large aviary setting offers her ample avenues to escape his attacks. In a small confined cage, the male is capable of fatally wounding or killing the female.
Sex the male and female to confirm their sexual identity. Both male and female Blue-fronted Amazons look the same. The only way to tell if you have a male and female is through a surgical probe performed by a veterinarian, chromosome analysis or DNA analysis. Even placing a male and female together does not guarantee that they will bond and ultimately breed. Blue-fronted Amazons are notorious for being fickle when it comes to choosing a mate. They will often live with each other without ever forming a bond. Once a bond is established, the parrots should never be separated because they tend to mate for life.
Provide a large nest box for the parrots to utilize. The nest box should ideally measure 31 to 39 inches high. The inside diameter should be 12 to 14 inches. Provide a four-to-five-inch entrance hole. Supply nesting material for the pair to gather. Provide coarse and soft grasses, coconut fibers, soft animal fur and tiny feathers.
Provide a nutritious and well-balanced diet for the breeding pair before and during breeding. The Blue-fronted Amazons' food should consist of a balanced large hook-bill seed and pellet diet. Add an abundance of fruits and vegetables. Cottage cheese is a welcome treat with cheese chunks. Hard-boiled eggs are also relished. Provide fresh water daily.
Breeding season begins in April or May. Most pairs will breed when they are three years old but a few wait until four years old before breeding their first clutch. Courtship begins in the spring but it is not unusual for the birds to not mate and lay until June.