Their range covers much of the land area surrounding the Java Sea. This includes Indonesia, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, northern Australia, and other smaller surrounding islands.
Habitat Types
Eclectus Parrots are highly adaptable and can be found living in woodlands, grasslands, and forests. They are most often spotted around coastal regions and farmlands.
They do venture to higher elevations in some areas and have been recorded as high as 6200 feet. More often, however, they only venture up to 4200 feet in elevation.
Wild Diet
Eclectus Parrots are mostly herbivores. Their natural diet includes nuts, fruits, seeds, nectar, flowers, figs, and papaya.
Status in the Wild
Populations are facing threats of habitat destruction and trapping for the pet trade. Regional populations on some islands have become extinct as a result.
Eclectus Parrot Habitat
The Eclectus Parrot, scientific name Eclectus roratus, are large and brightly colored parrots from the south Pacific. They have adapted to living in a variety of habitats within the region. Most of their habitat is warm and humid with lots of yearly rainfall.