Ways to Keep Wasps Away From Hummingbird Feeders

Wasps are sometimes attracted to the nectar in hummingbird feeders, but it is important to deter the wasps from feeding there because they contaminate the feeder and sometimes even prevent hummingbirds from using it. Wasps are also a hazard. They may sting people who are outside, and they may even chase and sting hummingbirds. There are several ways to keep wasps away from your hummingbird feeder, including changing the feeder, moving the feeder and preventing wasps from gathering on your property in the first place.
  1. Temporary Fixes

    • There are several temporary solutions that cost little to no money that you may want to try first. These solutions may be especially valuable if winter is nearing, when wasps will soon disappear anyway. Try moving the feeder to a different location. Any insects may just assume the source of food is gone and give up, but hummingbirds will look for the nectar until they find it.

      Because hummingbirds are more persistent than wasps, you may also try taking the feeder down for a few days. Again, the wasps may give up on your property being a reliable source of food, but hummingbirds may come back when you bring the feeder back out.


    • More permanent solutions include adjusting your feeders and nectar levels. One of the reasons wasps and other insects are drawn to hummingbird feeders is because some feeders leak small amounts of nectar. Bottle-type feeders allow nectar to expand when it's hot outside, which increases the risk of leaking. Try switching to a basin- or saucer-type feeder. They're drip-proof, so they're not as likely to attract insects. Also, some of these feeders are available with a wasp or bee guard, which prevents these insects from entering the feeder.

      Once you have a drip-proof feeder, keep the nectar level inside low. This prevents insects from reaching it, but hummingbirds' long tongues will still be able reach it. Also remember to change the nectar every few days; wasps tend to be attracted to older nectar.


    • To prevent wasps from living on or around your property, keep tight lids on your garbage cans and don't let pet food sit out. Don't allow standing water in your yard, especially near the hummingbird feeder. Also be sure that all nearby buildings are properly sealed so that wasps won't be encouraged to nest on your property.