How to Get Rid of Birds in Building

Bird, especially pigeons, have adapted well to human urban lifestyles. As a consequence, birds have made their nests in public buildings and apartments, producing potential health hazards such as bacteria from bird droppings or bird carcasses. These birds can also create a fire hazard if they hole themselves up in the chimney with their flammable nests.

Things You'll Need

  • Trap
  • Bird spikes
  • Disposable gloves
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      Inspect the areas the birds have been living in. If there is a nest, make sure there is nothing in it--it is against the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to move a nest with eggs in it--and that the mother bird is not sitting there with her young; you may get pecked in the face if you try to move the nest where the mother is.

      Place the nest somewhere outside instead of destroying it. Wear gloves for your own protection, and wash your hands after taking them off. Dispose of them immediately. Birds nests carry things like mites and dangerous bacteria. If you don't feel comfortable handling the bird nest, call your local pest control.

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      Make an appointment with local pest control to clean out the area where birds have made their nests. It is a serious health hazard to handle bird excrement and carcasses, so it is best left to professionals. Try scheduling the cleanup at a time during non-work hours, such as after 5 p.m. or on the weekend.

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      Seal off any points of entry the birds could come in through. This includes windows and vents. Birds can fit through holes the size of a golf ball, so you need to seal thoroughly.

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      Place small bird traps in areas the birds frequent. These are available for purchase at most hardware supply stores. You can also call your local wildlife refuge for further assistance on purchasing one specific to your needs. Take the bird outside and let it fly once you've caught it.

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      Set up bird spikes on windows if you'd like to sometimes keep your windows open but want to avoid their entry. These can be purchased at most hardware supply stores. Follow the instructions for your specific window sill.