How to Get Rid of Pesky Pigeons

Whether you live in the city or the suburbs, your home might become a favorite roosting spot for pesky pigeons. It's no wonder why so many people consider the pigeon to be a pest---these hardy birds can carry fleas, and their droppings can damage the paint on cars and buildings. Fortunately, there are several ways, such as chemicals and screens, to get rid of the pigeons on your property. If these methods do not work, you can always call a pest control professional to help.

Things You'll Need

  • Screens
  • Nets
  • Pigeon-deterring chemicals
  • Antiroosting spike strips
  • Scarecrow
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      Remove bird feeders from your property. Pigeons are often attracted to bird feeders due to the easy access to food.

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      Prevent pigeons from roosting. Check your property for places where pigeons like to nest, such as eaves, windowsills, rafters and any sort of ledge. Seal off these areas with screens and nets to stop the birds from roosting. You can purchase these items from your local hardware store.

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      To keep pigeons from coming back, use chemicals and antiroosting spike strips in places where pigeons like to perch and nest. Most chemicals will cause the affected area to become sticky or uncomfortable for the pigeons to land on. You may purchase chemicals from a pest control store; you can buy the strips online at websites like (see Resources).

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      To keep the pigeons at bay, place a scarecrow on your property in the shape of a person, cat or owl. You can purchase scarecrows at a hardware store or create one yourself with straw and fabric. Make sure to move the scarecrow every few days to increase its effectiveness.

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      If you have a difficult time ridding the pigeons on your own, consider hiring a pest control professional to deal with your problem. An expert will know how to pigeon-proof your home and can exterminate the pigeons on your property if you so choose.