Things You'll Need
- Birdhouse Pulleys Rope Small cleat Eye screws Pliers Measuring tape
Determine where you want to place your birdhouse. Many people prefer to place houses within easy viewing, so areas such as porches and decks make excellent locations for placement. Be sure the area you choose is free of obstructions to prevent your house from damage.
Mark the spots to mount your pulleys. If you are mounting your pulleys to a porch or edge of the house, a pulley on the corner of the house and a pulley directly above where you will hang your birdhouse will give you a stable and secure line for it. Also, mark a spot closer to the ground where you will tie off your rope to prevent your birdhouse from slipping. Measure the distance between your pulleys and the tie-off point. This will give you an estimate of how long you will need to cut your rope to give you enough to move your birdhouse up and down as necessary.
Attach your pulleys to your eye screws. Bend out the loop of the eye screw and slip the end of your pulley through the opening. Squeeze the eye closed with your pliers to secure the pulley and prevent it from slipping open as you move your birdhouse. Mount your pulleys in the spots you've marked on your house. Hold the end of the eye screw and firmly press it into the marks while turning to screw it in. Make sure you screw it in as far as possible to secure it firmly. Be sure that the pulley hangs free from the eye screw to allow you easy access when it comes time to mount your house. Screw your small cleat into the bottom mark you've made to give you a place to tie off your rope.
Thread your rope through the pulleys and tie the free end to the cleat to keep it from coming loose as you finish mounting your birdhouse. Wrap the rope around the cleat a few times in a figure 8 pattern to keep it from coming loose. Screw an eye screw into the top of your birdhouse. Make sure you place this as close to the center of your birdhouse as possible to keep it level and stable when it is attached to your rope.
Tie the remaining end of your rope to the eye screw in the top of your birdhouse. Tie 2 or 3 solid knots in your rope to prevent your birdhouse from coming untied and falling as you move your house up and down. Untie your rope from the cleat and slide the birdhouse up to the height you prefer, tying it securely once you've reached the desired height for your new pulley birdhouse.