How To Raise Emu Chicks

Emu farming is gaining popularity in the United States. These large, gentle birds are native to Australia and are closely related to the ostrich. Both are members of the ratite family. Raising emus can be a profitable enterprise but should not be undertaken without careful research and consideration. Even though these birds are considered friendly, in certain circumstances they can be quite dangerous due to their large size and considerable strength. Make provisions to successfully raise emu chicks by following some basic procedures, which will ensure an optimal chance for maturity and good health.


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      Visit other emu farms. Ask for handling demonstrations and request a hands-on experience with the birds. Many emu farmers share a sense of camaraderie and will be very helpful, however, they may decline your request for physical contact with the birds due to safety and insurance concerns. Make certain you are comfortable with your knowledge of the handling procedures. There is a risk of being injured by these large ratites. Take time to feel at ease in the presence of these birds before undertaking the responsibility of raising this breed.

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      Check with your local farm bureau or local governing board to determine if there are any restrictions or certain requirements in your area for raising emus. Draw up your individual farm plan. Construct an adequate shelter for your emus before purchasing them. Build a fenced area 25 feet wide by 100 feet long for a single pair of emus. Make this out of no-climb horse fencing 5 feet tall or higher. Chain link fencing is more expensive but works very well for the enclosure if your budget allows. Keep in mind that the adult birds are very strong, so the enclosure should be sturdy. The curious nature of these birds may cause them to become injured or entrapped. Check your enclosure for any areas that may create a potential hazard for the emu chicks. Provide a shelter for the birds. Make this shelter adequate for the climate you live in. It should be able to provide warmth in the winter and protection from the elements.

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      Take your new emu chicks to a veterinarian for a complete health check. A doctor that specializes in exotic animals is a good choice. Many farm veterinarians are becoming familiar with these ratites due to the increasing popularity of emu farms. The price of these birds ranges greatly depending on the location they were purchased from, but the cost for a pair is often more than $5,000, so make sure you have a healthy pair to start with. Your veterinarian will also give you a schedule of necessary inoculations and list of possible health concerns. Ask questions regarding symptoms you should watch for in observing the continual health of your chicks.

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      Introduce your young chicks to their new environment. The chicks are normally very curious but may be overwhelmed and exhausted from their trip. Reassure the pair by staying with them until they are comfortable in their new surroundings. Show them to their food and water. Allow them to stay inside the shelter if they want. They will explore their new enclosure when they are ready.

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      Begin handling your baby chicks as soon as you get them. Set up a schedule to physically interact with your birds on a regular basis. Show all family members the correct way to approach and handle them. Spend as much time with them as possible when they are young to create tame adult birds. You can handle emus fairly easily for the first two months of their lives. Be aware of the strength in their legs and make it a practice to stay clear if they begin kicking. Aggression is rare in emus and they will try to avoid hurting you. Most accidents occur when the birds become scared or stressed.

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      Provide plenty of food for the growing chicks. Many emu farmers use a packaged mix made specifically for emus. They will eat between one and three pounds per day, depending on the quality of the mix. Contact your local farm supplier or feed store. They can special order the feed for you if they do not normally stock it. You can supplement the diet with some fruit, berries and vegetables. Emus also graze on grass and ingest bugs and worms. They will also eat up your flower beds and gardens if allowed to do so. Provide adequate water at all times. They can drink up to four gallons on a warm day. Continue to handle the birds as they grow. They enjoy being talked to and handled. It is common for these birds to live to be more than 25 years old.