How to Choose a Bird Dander Air Purifier

Pets living in the home are more like part of the family than merely an animal, but sometimes our feathered and furry friends cause health problems for the humans. Birds produce dander to protect their feathers, but these microscopic particles wreak havoc on allergy sufferers. Each time your pet bird flaps his wings or flies through the room, dander is released into the air and can build-up quickly. Removing the bird dander from the air is the first step in allergy relief for many and disease prevention for everyone.


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      Choose a high efficiency particulate air, known as HEPA, filter. HEPA filters remove up to 95 percent of particulates in the air, including bird dander, according to Brigham Young University Magazine.

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      Research HEPA air purifiers based on the size of your home or size of the area you wish to treat. Choosing a bird dander air purifier that is larger than what you need is not necessary. For example, if your total home is 1,500 square feet, there is no need to purchase a system that covers 3,000 square feet. The results will be the same and will likely cost more to operate than a smaller model.

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      Read customer reviews on HEPA air purifiers before selecting a model, especially if purchasing from an online retailer. Researching customer reviews typically provides an unbiased opinion of the product, whether good or bad.

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      Speak with specialty pet store owners or managers who specialize in birds for recommendations. Keeping in mind the HEPA feature and space requirements, these owners have unmatched knowledge in their field and may provide recommendations on the best options.

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      Choose a HEPA air purifier for your bird dander that requires little maintenance. Consider how often the filter must be cleaned or replaced. Filters that require frequent replacement tend to be less cost-effective throughout the life of the machine. Air purifiers requiring specialized filters that must be ordered from the manufacturer may be more expensive, but often are washable and do not require frequent replacement.