How to Play With a Parakeet

Parakeets make wonderful pets. They're friendly, social and love to play. When you bring your little friend home, it's important to take some time to get to know him and make him feel comfortable. Once he becomes familiar with his new surroundings, then it's time to learn to play with him.


    • 1

      Sit by the cage and read, sing or talk to your parakeet for a few weeks so he can become familiar with you. Speak gently when you stick your hand in the cage to change the food and water.

    • 2

      Begin to leave your hand inside the cage, gradually increasing the time that you leave it there. Don't attempt to touch the bird yet. Give him time to trust you and to understand that your hand isn't going to harm him.

    • 3

      Teach your parakeet to step up on a dowel after he feels comfortable having your hand in the cage. Hold the dowel gently against the area right above his legs. He will instinctively step onto the dowel. Be consistent and praise him every time he does it, and he will eventually get onto your finger instead of the dowel.

    • 4

      Fill a cup with small toys that your parakeet can pick up easily. They love to pick them up and throw them in the floor.

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      Attach a birdbath to the cage, put a small amount of tepid water in it and watch your parakeet splash and bathe. You can also put one of his small toys in the water for him to enjoy.

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      Build a wooden gym on the top of his cage or nearby. Make sure the wood is bird safe and not made of any type of chemically treated wood.

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      Rotate the toys in his cage. Parakeets are inquisitive and enjoy new challenges; add new things occasionally to stimulate their natural curiosity.