How to Read a Bird's Body Language

Understand your bird's body language and you'll develop a long-lasting, loving relationship with your bird. If you know the difference between aggressive and loving behavior, you'll be more likely to keep your bird rather than return it to the pet store. Here's how to read a bird's body language.


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      Watch to see if your bird exhibits aggressive body behaviors such as popping its feathers, fanning its tail, blushing and eye pinning (the bird dilates and constricts its pupils rapidly). Note whether your bird stretches or spreads its wings. It's possible your bird is agitated and may become aggressive. Determine if your bird's behavior is frequently aggressive. If so, you may have an aggressive bird on your hands.

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      Pay attention to solicitous behaviors such as food begging, leaning forward and giving the "big eye" look. Your bird is attempting to tell you to "Pick me up," "Play with me" or "Show me love."

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      Take notice of any happy behavior signs. You'll know your bird is happy when you see your bird wag its tail or perform a martial art type of graceful dance. It looks something like Tai Chi with wings.

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      Prepare yourself for the piece de resistance of your bird's body language. Regurgitation. When your bird regurgitates a clump of partially digested food on you, your bird is speaking the language of ultimate love.