How to Pick Compatible Pets

Pet lovers often want to include more than one animal in their household. When choosing pets it's important to know which ones are best suited to living together. Getting the wrong pets together can result in chaos for the family and stress for the animals. However, the right combination of animal friends can make a house more fun.


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      Think size when choosing compatible pets. Most domesticated animals can live together in the same house if they feel like they can defend themselves. Large birds can mix with cats because the larger bird won't feel threatened.

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      Introduce animals to one another when they are young. Dogs get along well with cats it they are brought together as kittens and puppies or when at least one of them is very small.

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      Choose breeds that are more docile. Dogs that have calm personalities, such as golden retrievers, seem to go well with any kind of pet. They have the desire to please and get along well with others.

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      Get rid of stereotypes. Cats can live with birds if they are introduced when the cat is a kitten and the bird is large enough to seem superior to the kitten. The relationship will be established early and they will get along fine.

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      Set boundaries between dogs and animals of the rodent family like rabbits and guinea pigs. Dogs can be trained not to play too rough with these more tender animals. Dogs tend to get excited and want to chase these smaller creatures out of instinct.

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      Pair the right breed dog with other small animals. Mixing bird dogs with birds or retrievers with rabbits can be dangerous. Do your homework and put together animals that are not natural enemies.