How to Breed Cockatiels

Cockatiels are very social and fun pets with a long life span that can be an enjoyable addition to any family. Breeding cockatiels for sale or to increase the number of family pets can be a rewarding experience if the breeder pays special attention to the needs of her birds.


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      Breed cockatiels at 18 months of age or older. Breeding them before this age can cause serious health issues, egg binding and weak or unhealthy babies.

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      Select breeding pairs that are not from the same blood line. Inbreeding can result in babies with physical deformities.

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      Allow birds to breed only 2 times per year. This allows them time to rest between egg clutches.

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      Begin the breeding process from late spring to fall when there is more daylight.

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      Add breeding pellets and soft food to your birds' diet three months before you plan to begin breeding.

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      Give your birds more frequent baths or misting with a water bottle before beginning breeding.

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      Provide one nesting box per pair of birds and only one bird pair per cage. Line the nesting box with shredded paper towels and make a dent in the middle for a nest bowl.