How to Scare Birds Away

Birds are valuable to the ecosystem, but can be a nuisance to the home or business owner. It can be trial and error when it comes to scaring birds away but there are good reasons to experiment. Birds pose health and safety issues to humans as well as destroy crops and gardens. These pests can cause many problems but there are solutions.


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      Watch the birds to find out which type is causing the problems. Look around for droppings or nesting material to help you identify the bird easier.

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      Measure the area that you need to control or protect before purchasing a bird repellent to be sure that the product is sufficient. For example, measure how many square feet your vegetable garden is before you shop for netting.

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      Ask your friends and neighbors or local business owners for help. Many times someone has already found a good solution to scare birds away in your area.

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      Get control. Shop in hardware or department stores to find the right product or device for your needs. Some birds will require more than one method to scare them away.

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      Outsmart those pigeons with spikes on roof tops to keep them from landing and perching. Scare crows away with motion and sonic repellers. Crows have caught on to the traditional scarecrow tactics and are not afraid anymore.

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      Use nets to cover fruit trees. Bright reflective ribbons can be used in farming areas along with sound devices like coyote and fox calls. Whistlers and automatic noise guns might work too.

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      Hang a device called a "scary eye" balloon from a tree or wire. It will act as a predator and scare many birds away. The starlings, however, are less intimidated and need more than a pair of eyes staring at them, and robins are not afraid of these at all.