What do eagles symbolize?

Strength and Courage: Eagles are often seen as symbols of power and courage, as they are majestic birds of prey that can soar to great heights and have excellent eyesight. Freedom and Independence: With their ability to fly and soar, eagles are seen as symbols of freedom and independence. Nobility and Honor: Eagles have been used throughout history as symbols of nobility, honor, and leadership, often appearing in heraldry and other symbols of authority. Wisdom and Vision: Eagles are also associated with wisdom and vision, as they have a sharp and far-reaching gaze. They are seen as being able to see beyond the immediate and into the future. Divine Messengers and Spirituality: In many cultures, eagles are considered to be divine messengers or sacred beings, often associated with the spiritual realm and connection to higher powers. Renewal and Transformation: Some cultures view eagles as symbols of rebirth and transformation due to their molting process, where they shed their old feathers to make way for new growth.