What do the speaker mean by take beak out of my heart?

In this context, "beak out of my heart" is a figurative expression that conveys a sense of emotional vulnerability and a desire for protection or emotional healing. The speaker is asking for someone to alleviate the pain or burden they feel, as if their heart is being pecked at by a beak.

Here's a possible interpretation of the metaphor:

- Beak: The beak represents something sharp, intrusive, or painful that's affecting the speaker's emotional well-being.

-Take Beak Out of My Heart: The speaker is requesting relief from this emotional pain or discomfort. They want the metaphorical "beak" to be removed from their heart, suggesting a desire for healing, comfort, and emotional support.

Overall, the phrase "take beak out of my heart" emphasizes the speaker's emotional distress and their longing for someone to help alleviate or remove the source of their suffering.