What are the external features of a house fly?


- Large, compound eyes that cover most of the head's surface

- Three simple eyes (ocelli) located on the top of the head, between the compound eyes

- A pair of antennae projecting forward from the head

- A mouthpart called a proboscis that is used for feeding


- Three body segments fused together

- Wings attached to the second and third thoracic segments

- A pair of halteres (small, club-shaped structures) attached to the third thoracic segment that help the fly balance


- Five visible segments (there are actually 11 segments in total, but some are fused together)

- The end of the abdomen has a pair of cerci, which are small, tail-like appendages


- Three pairs of legs, each with five segments (coxa, trochanter, femur, tibia, and tarsus)

- The last segment of each leg has a pair of claws that the fly uses to grasp surfaces