What are rainsfords characteristics?

Rainsford possesses various admirable qualities and skills:

Intellectual Acumen: Rainsford is highly intelligent, possessing a keen analytical mind. He is skilled at hunting and survival, but also has a sophisticated intellect that allows him to understand and appreciate nature's beauty.

Courage and Determination: Rainsford is physically brave, demonstrated through his willingness to confront and fight the General. Even in dire situations, he remains steadfast and determined to survive, using his intelligence to outsmart his adversary.

Resourcefulness and Adaptability: Rainsford's resourcefulness is revealed in his ability to construct various traps and find innovative ways to evade General Zaroff's pursuit. He adapts quickly to the changing circumstances and uses his knowledge of the environment to his advantage.

Compassion and Empathy: Despite being a skilled hunter, Rainsford is compassionate towards animals, as shown by his reluctance to kill Ivan, General Zaroff's servant. He feels sympathy for the animals Zaroff has hunted for sport and shows disdain for the General's cruelty.

Ethical Dilemma: As the story progresses, Rainsford grapples with an ethical dilemma, struggling with the moral implications of hunting humans. He undergoes a transformation from a confident hunter to a person questioning the very act of hunting for sport, leading to a complex internal conflict.