How to Make a Cardinal Bird House

Cardinals, one of the most brilliantly colored birds, are among one of the most sought after birds to watch by bird enthusiasts. Their bright red feathers and beak separate them from all other North American birds. These birds are found almost entirely across the eastern part of the U.S. and into southern Canada. They do not migrate, therefore, are a good candidate for nesting in a bird house as opposed to their natural liking of native trees, shurbs, and vines which are generally five to six feet off the ground. To build a bird house for cardinals is fairly easy.

Things You'll Need

  • Wire bird cage
  • Wire cutters
  • Organic all purpose cleaner
  • Pole or other device to mount the house on
  • Items for nest: feathers, wool, twigs, etc.
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  1. Assembling and Placing the Bird House

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      Select the location for the house carefully. Cardinals are birds of forests so they prefer to live in places with dense vegetation. So, place the house in the part of your garden or yard which has the maximum number of trees and shrubs. Make sure that the place the house will be placed is a minimum of five feet off the ground, and that it is away from heavy human activity.

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      Choose a wire cage that will serve as the bird house and clean it thoroughly with an organic, non-toxic cleaner. Rinse all of the cleaner off, and repeat several times to ensure no soap/cleaner is left on the cage.

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      Use the twigs, feathers and other materials to pad the bottom of the cage. This will help the cardinal to begin to make the nest their own.

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      Cut a small piece of wire and attach it to the door of the cage and the cage wall to prevent the door from closing.

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      Attach a fastener or wire to the top of the cage to hang it in the desired location.