How to Move a Parakeet

The parakeet is part of the parrot family. To survive, this popular pet requires warm temperatures, fresh water and food to support its omnivorous diet. Birds in the parrot family are great companions because of their personality, intellect and musical capabilities. However, these playful birds are easily stressed by changes to their environment. Traveling can make your parakeet very uncomfortable. This is why you must carefully prepare before moving your parakeet.

Things You'll Need

  • Travel bird cage
  • Bird treats
  • Food
  • Water
  • Toys
  • Newspaper
  • Towel
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      Wash the travel cage out thoroughly with soap and water. Introduce the parakeet to the new travel cage a week or more before the move. Open the travel cage and let your parakeet explore it and get comfortable with it. Place toys or treats inside the travel cage to entice the bird inside. Set the travel cage in an area close to the bird's current cage.

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      Place new food, favorite toys and fresh water inside the cage before moving. Don't overfill the food or water containers. Spills while moving can make the cage dirty and smelly or make your bird uncomfortable. Line the bottom of the cage with newspaper for droppings and urine. Newspaper is easily disposable and can be changed quickly during transport. Treats can also comfort the bird. Carry fresh food and water in an easily accessible container for long trips.

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      Put your parakeet into the travel cage and be sure the cage is secured tightly. Place a towel or small blanket over the cage. For a parakeet that is normally covered at night, this will help your bird sleep during the move. The towel also protects against irregular temperatures and wind. Have the interior temperature of the vehicle appropriate for the parakeet before putting the cage inside.

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      Place your travel cage on the floor of the vehicle. This will prevent the cage from sliding around during the move. If this isn't possible, buckle the travel cage in with a seat belt. A rocking or sliding cage will make your bird stressed and uncomfortable. Talk in the car so that your parakeet can hear your familiar voice.