What happens when an owl and a bat live together in niche?

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey that typically hunt at night while bats are nocturnal mammals that typically hunt at night. Both fill an ecological niche, and their adaptations, like being able to see in the dark and fly, allow them to survive and reproduce.

A niche is a position or function within an ecosystem. When two species share the same niche, they may compete with each other for food, space, and other resources. As a result, one species may be forced to adapt or move to a new location.

In the conflict between an owl and a bat, the owl is likely to be the dominant species. This is because owls are larger than bats and have stronger beaks and talons. In addition, owls are able to fly more silently than bats, which gives them an advantage when hunting. As a result, bats may be forced to adapt or move to a new location if they are to survive in the same niche as owls.