What is the personality of bird seagull?

Bold and Opportunistic: Seagulls are known for their bold and opportunistic behavior. They are quick to exploit any opportunity for food and will often scavenge for scraps or steal food from other birds.

Gregarious and Social: Seagulls are highly social birds and often live in large colonies or flocks. They communicate with each other through various vocalizations and body postures.

Intelligent and Adaptable: Seagulls have demonstrated remarkable intelligence and adaptability. They are capable of learning and remembering human behavior and patterns.

Aggressive and Territorial: Seagulls can be quite aggressive and territorial when defending their nests and food sources. They may dive-bomb and attack perceived threats to protect their young and territory.

Resourceful and Persistent: Seagulls are persistent and resourceful in their pursuit of food. They have been known to utilize a wide range of foraging techniques and will even follow boats or ships in search of food scraps.