Fun Fact: A single peacock hen can lay up to 20 eggs in one clutch.
[Image 2 shows a peacock's egg that is partially cracked, starting to hatch. Inside, a small chick can be seen poking its head out.]
Hatching Period: The incubation period for peacock eggs is roughly 28 to 30 days. Once hatched, the chicks are known as peachicks.
[Image 3 displays three peacock eggs arranged in a row, presenting their beautiful colors and textures from different angles.]
Egg Size and Weight: Peacock eggs are known for their large size and weight. On average, they measure about 2.5 to 3.5 inches in length and can weigh between 100 to 150 grams.
[Image 4 depicts a close-up of a cracked peacock egg, capturing the delicate patterns and vibrant hues within the eggshell.]
Eggshell Art: Peacock eggshells are often used as decorative objects or in jewelry due to their stunning appearance. Craftspeople sometimes remove the contents and carefully clean the shells, turning them into ornate works of art.
[Image 5 shows a group of peacocks, representing the iconic beauty of these birds, alongside one of their eggs.]
Conservation Importance: Peacocks are native to South Asia and are considered an important species in many cultures. Some species of peacocks are classified as endangered due to habitat loss and illegal hunting, making the preservation of their eggs and hatchlings crucial for their long-term survival.