Rotation: When ducks walk, they rotate their feet inward slightly, bringing the toes closer together. This inward rotation helps them grip the ground better, especially on uneven or slippery surfaces.
Three-Point Stance: Ducks often walk with a three-point stance, where one foot is extended forward while the other two support the body from behind. This tripod gait provides added stability and balance, allowing ducks to navigate varied terrain with ease.
Alternating Steps: Ducks lift one foot at a time when walking, unlike some animals that move both feet simultaneously. This staggered or alternating step pattern further enhances their stability and allows for controlled, deliberate movements.
Side-to-Side Motion: Ducks frequently exhibit a side-to-side motion as they walk. This swaying motion is a result of their wide-set legs and the way their feet rotate inward and outward. The movement also aids in weight distribution and balance.