How do geese and swans survive in winter?

Geese and swans are waterfowl, which means they are birds that spend most of their lives in water. They are well-adapted to survive in cold climates, even in winter. Here are some of the ways that geese and swans survive in winter:

* Body fat: Geese and swans have a thick layer of body fat that helps them to insulate their bodies and stay warm in cold weather.

* Down feathers: Geese and swans also have down feathers, which are small, fluffy feathers that help to trap air and keep them warm.

* Webbed feet: Geese and swans have webbed feet, which help them to distribute their weight evenly when they are swimming. This allows them to stay on top of the water, even in icy conditions.

* Migration: Many geese and swans migrate to warmer climates for the winter. This allows them to avoid the harshest weather conditions and find food more easily.

* Group living: Geese and swans often live in flocks, which helps them to stay warm by huddling together. They also take turns guarding the flock from predators.

By using these adaptations, geese and swans are able to survive in even the coldest winter conditions.