Researchers have conducted experiments demonstrating parrots' ability to discriminate between individuals. For instance, studies involving African grey parrots showed that they could distinguish between photographs of familiar faces and those of unfamiliar individuals, indicating their ability to recognize specific people.
Parrots can also associate positive or negative experiences with certain humans. They might remember individuals who have provided them with treats, affection, and pleasant interactions, and show affection or excitement when seeing those people again. Conversely, they might show avoidance or警戒心if an individual has caused them discomfort or has been associated with negative experiences.
The strength of a parrot's memory for people depends on several factors, such as the frequency and nature of their interactions, individual differences in cognitive abilities, and the species of parrot. Some species, such as African grey parrots and cockatoos, are generally considered to have exceptional cognitive abilities and strong memory skills.
Parrots' ability to remember and recognize individuals is a testament to their complex cognitive capacities and social intelligence. Their capacity for selective memory demonstrates that they are capable of forming strong bonds and developing individualized relationships with humans.